Responsible Social Distancing (Ongoing)
April 02, 2020
Until further notice, all Satanic Philadelphia gatherings and operations will be conducted online only.
If you are in need of community support, or would like to offer support but are not sure how, or if it is advisable to do so, you are of course free to contact us via this site's contact form or hit us up in our much more frequently monitored Facebook page inbox.
Be Well, and Ave Satanas ⛧

Satanic Philadelphia's 2020 Spring Equinox Day-Out (postponed)
March 21, 2020
We're sure that you've been watching the news, and are aware of several counties entering lockdown to counter the spread of COVID-19 locally. In light of this, we felt it was in everyone's best interest to postpone our in-person meetups until we see that the situation is better under control. Ave, and wash your hands! ⛧

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Annual UnValentine's Day Outing
February 29, 2020
Some were solitary this year, some part of a devilish pairing, but all enjoyed a night of eating, drinking, chatter, sharing gothic candies and little tokens of love and appreciation between friends.

SP Book Study: Barbara Black Koltuv's "The Book of Lilith"
January 02, 2020
We began the first month of the new year by diving into an academic study of one of the most controversial and fascinating figures from religious canon, Lilith, and her indelible impact upon feminine identity and culture.
"Of particular interest is the consistency with which femininity and attractiveness are historically bound up in legends about the worst female figures, and also consistently framed as an act of sabotage and avarice against men."

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Annual AntiChristmas Party
December 15, 2019
We enjoyed a Secret Satan gift swap, homemade cookies, and other assorted cheer to go around. Some were dodging annoying family and others just wanted to party and show off their fancy pentagram sweaters.

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Annual Friendsgiving
November 16, 2019
Last year's celebration was an important event for many of us and we looked forward to doing it again. While many of us may still maintain family contact and traditions, others may have no family this time of year. So, we come together and appreciate one another on our own terms. A great time was had by all, and every sinner had a seat at the table.

"Warm As Hell" Clothing Drive, 2019-20
November 14, 2019
What's next? We get back into our winter stride with the return of #WarmAsHell, a multi-county warmth item donation drive benefiting shelters, families, and outreach centers.
If you have questions or materials, or would like to host a dropoff box, please contact us at:

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Annual Black Mass
November 02, 2019
In a joint collaboration with Capital Area Satanists, this year's theme gave us a contemplation of the phrase, "Solve et Coagula". One must Destroy in order to Become.
At a private residence, we reveled in good food, good wine, and wonderful company. Each participant brought something literally to the table, and we took turns speaking to those things which were weighing upon us and pushed forward into what we willed for our respective paths. A beautiful, entertaining, cathartic night.
Thank you to our brethren in CAS, without whom this night would not have felt complete. You are each deeply treasured. Ave. ⛧

SatPhilly's 2nd AFSP Out Of The Darkness Philadelphia Walk
October 06, 2019
Suicide is an issue which touches everyone we know. In our community, this can be especially difficult given our commonly experienced isolation as satanists in a predominately catholic area like Philadelphia. It's difficult to find a community of friends who share our values and beliefs. Satanism embraces the "othered", and many of us who are "othered" are well versed in depression and anxiety.
Those of us in the fringe stick together and look out for one another, and this event gives us the opportunity to extend our support outside of ourselves into our city. Whether for ourselves, or for loved ones we've lost, we feel strongly about this and want very much to help those affected by it.

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Picnic On The Plots
September 28, 2019
Sunshine, Satan, and Sepulchers. ☀️⛧⚰️
(I worked really hard on that.)
In perfect weather we enjoyed a nice potluck picnic with our favorite Satanists from the area, after which we took a nice walk to behold the Gothic beauty of Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Summer Of Satan 2019
July 27, 2019
Good food, good beer, good company. Some sunburn was had. about? What makes it interesting?

Satanic Philadelphia's 2nd Birthday Party
June 22, 2019
Satanic Philadelphia has evolved and grown significantly over the past two years. We are meeting monthly, running online video hangouts, organizing for charities and community support, writing and performing our own rituals, and supporting one another through hard shit. And more. Here's to excellent progress.

Satanic Philadelphia: Pride Is The Most Fabulous Sin
June 09, 2019
June is the month of Pride, and Pride is the most fabulous sin. 🌈
The first gay pride parade took place in New York City, June 28, 1970, to commemorate the first anniversary of the Stonewall riots (June 28, 1969), considered to be the beginning of the LGBT civil rights movement. By 1972, many cities, including Philadelphia, were staging gay pride parades and festivals. This year is the 50th anniversary of Stonewall.

SatPhilly's Infernal Book Club: Launch
May 05, 2019
The only thing more fun than reading condemned materials is talking about it together in a group call and enjoying one another's insight.

"Give Deliciously" Food Drive: Launch
May 01, 2019
As we navigate this administration's disastrous economic policies, it becomes more important than ever to step up for the vulnerable and fill in the gaps left by wage inequality, cuts in support, and food insecurity from underemployment.
Join us in feeding those in need, and show us where you are doing so by snapping a photo in your city and adding the hashtag #GiveDelish so that we can hail you from afar.
⛧ Ave Satanas ⛧

Satanic Philadelphia's 1st Rite of Purgation
March 16, 2019
A rite of destruction is a highly cathartic cleansing ritual meant to assist in the clearing out of memories, emotions, and their related objects in order to facilitate moving forward in one's own path.
Methods of purge can include fire, smashing with hammers or fists, grinding under the feet, or shredding. Items for offering often include photos, documents, letters, items of clothing, former possessions, locks of hair, nails, journals, or souvenirs from traumatic or otherwise undesired experiences.

Satanic Philadelphia: Un-Valentine's Day Party
February 16, 2019
Satanic Philadelphia members gathered in town this evening for our tenth live meet (and the first for 2019). It was a great start for the year, and the hospitality was most welcome (the venue manager personally hugged us on her way out the door, followed by some free drinks on the house). There was dancing, there were some anti-vaxxer conspiracists (yes, those idiots are everywhere), but most importantly there were laughs and camaraderie. We'd like to thank all of our members who made it out to the event. Next month, we'll be gathering again for our Rite of Purgation - our first major ritual event for this year!

Warm As Hell 2018-19 Concludes
February 07, 2019
We are immensely proud to announce that we amassed over 400 winter items (coats, socks, scarves, gloves, hats, & blankets) for our "Warm As Hell" event, which ran from November 5th 2018 until January 31st. The show of support was outstanding and we'd like to thank everyone who helped out or donated to the cause. We'd also like to thank our partners at JB Lovecrafts (Harrisburg), Danger Salon (Philadelphia), SAGA Community Center (Hatboro), and Gary's Bar (Palmyra) for assisting with the collection of donations - you've all been fantastic!
Our assembled collections have been passed on to NOVA, AWP, Greendrop, the Brethren Housing Association, and the National Federation of the Blind, for issue to those who need them the most.

In Support of Annie Christ, Drag Queen Story Hour
February 02, 2019
Members of Satanic Philadelphia, along with other counter protest groups, attended the "Drag Queen Story Fun Time with Annie!" event in Lansdale today. Annie Christ, an adult drag queen performance artist, also engages in charity work and the event itself was intended to highlight diversity and the dangers of bullying to local children. As might be expected, the local Christian lunatic fringe showed up to peddle their usual bigotry, but ultimately failed to disrupt the occasion.
Moira Corvid met briefly with Annie after the reading to praise her for her work, and inform her that she had the support of Satanic Philadelphia. She was also invited to mingle with us anytime!

SatPhilly on Black Mass Appeal
January 08, 2019
Satanic Philadelphia's Braden Rhys was recently invited to participate in a Black Mass Appeal podcast to discuss the creation and performance of Satanic rituals. The lengthy discussion covered how last October's Black Mass was constructed, a bit of history on the ritual itself (and its evolution), as well as tips on what tools to use and apparel to wear. We'd like to thank Simone, Tabitha, and Daniel for this opportunity to appear on the show!

Satanic Philadelphia's First Annual AntiChristmas Party
December 16, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia gathered in northwest Philly last night for its ninth live meetup and "Anti-Christmas Party". As usual, we were very pleased by the turnout - also the first of our meets that allowed children to come along for the festive fun.
We'd like to also wish all of our members and supporters a Merry Winter Solstice and Happy Holidays!

Satanic Philadelphia's First Annual Friendsgiving
November 17, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia gathered last tonight for its eighth and largest gathering to date (we had to steal more tables just to seat everyone). As always, it was great to see our community assembled once more - both our dedicated regulars and a number of new members who recently joined us. A solid evening of socializing and future planning was had by all, and we'd also additionally like to thank everyone who brought along donations for our Warm As Hell drive!

"Warm As Hell" Collection Points
November 09, 2018
Our initial collection points for the Warm As Hell drive are now going live in both Philadelphia and Harrisburg areas. If you have any gently-used winter coats, hats, blankets, gloves, and scarves that you'd like to donate to the less fortunate, you can drop these off (if in proximity) at either of the following locations:
DANGER SALON @ 108 E Girard Ave, Philadelphia PA 19125
JB LOVEDRAFTS @ 225 N 2nd Street, Harrisburg PA 17101
SAGA COMMUNITY CENTER @ 350 S York Rd, Hatboro, PA 19040
GARY'S BAR @ 8 W Main St, Palmyra PA 17078
Local Satanist Earns 3K Votes in Mid-Terms
November 07, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia member Sandra Salas made news this week for having garnered over 3000 votes in the congressional mid-term elections. Unashamedly both a Satanist and stripper, Sandra ran as a Libertarian with a platform supporting rights for sex workers, the LGBTQIA community, and gun owners, as well as pushing for the further legalization of marijuana. While Satanic Philadelphia itself has no official political stance or preference, we nonetheless support the fact that Sandra was willing to stand up and make her voice heard, especially without compromising who she is or what she believes in.

"Warm As Hell" Announced
November 05, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia are proud to announce our new "Warm As Hell" campaign to collect winter coats and accessories for the less fortunate in the Philadelphia region. This event will run until Jan 31, 2019, and we'll have further details soon re: contacts, drop-offs, & PayPal donations! We will be donating to selected charities in both the Philadelphia and Harrisburg areas. Stay tuned for more info soon!

Black Mass + HAXAN Event
October 13, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia joined with the temple on Friday night at PhilaMOCA to present a live Black Mass, followed by a screening of the 1922 silent classic "Haxan" (with a live score). The night was a great success for both runs of the event, despite failed attempts by Christian protesters to disrupt the performance (the attempted petition by America Needs Fatima to gain 40k signatures pettered out with just over 33k).
The Mass was performed by members of Satanic Philadelphia, along with some out of town temple members. Thematically, it highlighted and denounced the treatment of women and children by the Catholic church, especially given the high profile media coverage of these abuses in recent times.
We'd like to thank everyone who supported us, as well as everyone who attended the event on the night. We hope you enjoyed and gained a sense of liberation from the occasion!
PhillyMag on Black Mass
October 12, 2018
Although we were not named specifically in this afternoon's article, Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple made it clear to PhillyMag that tonight's Black Mass was very much a homegrown effort by Satanic Philadelphians.
"A black mass shouldn’t be static or rote,” explains Greaves. “Black masses change throughout times. If you’re challenging established norms, you have to adjust your blasphemy to suit the times. This one has a Philadelphia feel to it. The scripting was motivated by the recent revelations surrounding the Catholic child abuse scandal. There will be some things that some people might consider a bit of depravity, but they are between consenting stage participants."
Additionally, a pair of Catholic protesters from north Jersey were also interviewed as they maintained a 33 hour prayer vigil outside the venue (they were quite passive and harmless).

Satanic Philadelphia in Philly Voice
September 28, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia today appeared in an article by Rob Skvarla for Philly Voice, in which he looked at the resurgence of Satanism in modern times. It also includes comments from esteemed religious scholar Massimo Introvigne (author of Satanism: A Social History) as well as Satanic Philadelphia co-leaders Moira Corvid and Braden Rhys. The link to the full article can be found below.

SatPhilly VII: Picnic on the Plots
September 16, 2018
Members of Satanic Philadelphia converged on Laurel Hill Cemetery just after Sunday noon for their seventh live meet-up, coinciding exactly one year on from their first gathering in 2017. Despite initial forecasts of rain and scattered thunderstorms, the weather turned out to be fine, and the assembled members enjoyed a luncheon under the shade of trees among the gravestones. This was followed by a brief photo shoot and a casual stroll through the cemetery - concluding at the gates as they closed for the day. We'd like to thank all of our members who made the trip - it was great to see both familiar and new faces alike!

SatPhilly VI
August 04, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia turned up for their sixth live meet this evening. This was the same venue in which we originally started hosting these, so it was only fitting that over a year later, we returned to that same haunt. An entertaining evening was had by all and it was great to see some new faces among the regulars. Even the server who attended to our table for the evening decided to apply for membership!
Another Evening with The Satanic Temple
July 31, 2018
The temple are returning to Philadelphia this October for "An Evening With The Satanic Temple" at the PhilaMOCA on the 12th. The event will consist of a live Black Mass, followed by a screening of the 1922 silent classic "Haxan". Two temple members will be providing a soundtrack accompaniment to the latter.
As with the previous April event at the same venue, Satanic Philadelphia will be providing assistance to the temple, particularly in regard to the Black Mass performance. We anticipate that it will a fantastic evening for all!
Tickets to the event were completely sold out last weekend, but there's always a slim chance of admittance on the night itself, depending on available space at the venue.
July 2018: Latest Happenings
July 21, 2018
We're now halfway through 2018 and having celebrating our first anniversary, we're now deep in planning for the rest of the year. To start, we've now expanded into the Twitter and Instagram platforms - links to which can now be found at the "Find Us On" section in the page footer.
This website is also gradually being worked on, with the FAQ and About sections being slowly expanded. Both are still very much a work-in-progress at this stage as we continue to provide more information about both Satanic Philadelphia and the nature of Satanism in general.
October is promising to be a busy month for us this year, not least because of the Halloween season. On the 7th, we will be represented in the "Out of the Darkness" walk for suicide prevention, organized by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Anyone interested in helping out with donations or participating as a "virtual walker" can find more information about the event here. Five days later on October 12th, we've been approached to provide assistance with a major Satanic event in the city - more details on which will be forthcoming soon.
Lastly, we're also planning official Satanic Philadelphia apparel - initially exclusively for our members, but also the possibility of additional designs for the general public. We'll hopefully have more to show on these soon. Stay tuned!

Satanic Philadelphia's First Birthday
June 23, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia celebrated its first anniversary in the city on Saturday night. Despite a few absentees due to work commitments and local public transit issues, we had a solid turnout (including two guests from our regional sister group, Capital Area Satanists). The event also consisted of a brief invocation, followed by the presentation of a custom-made Satanic cake provided by Moira Corvid.
We look forward to another prosperous year of fellowship and growth ahead!

Satanic Philadelphia IV
May 26, 2018
Members of Satanic Philadelphia gathered in Philadelphia for the fourth group meet on the evening of the 26th. This particular event saw our highest participation yet and was to all accounts a success. Supplemented by specially baked goat cookies (courtesy of Moira), the evening also saw discussion about the future goals and direction of the group on its road to official chapter recognition.

Satanic Philadelphia and TST Present: ALUCARDA
April 12, 2018
Satanic Philadelphia had the honor of being invited to support The Satanic Temple with their event at the PhilaMOCA on the night of April 12th. Entitled "An Evening With The Satanic Temple", the program consisted of a live ritual performance, a lecture by TST co-founder Lucien Greaves on the Satanic Panic, and finishing with an anniversary screening of the 1978 occult classic "Alucarda".
Kira and Moira participated in the ritual as sinister hooded assailants while Braden filmed both the ritual and following presentation for eventual release online. After Lucien concluded his lecture, we were invited to join him and his companions for dinner and dancing at a local lounge & bar.

Satanic Philadelphia III
February 10, 2018
Members of Satanic Philadelphia converged on Ambler PA for the third bi-monthly meetup - despite less than ideal weather conditions during the commute. A good night was had by all and as always, it was great to meet new faces!

Satanic Philadelphia: The Second Coming
November 25, 2017
Part two of a devilishly good time, things really started coming together.

Satanic Philadelphia's First-Ever Meetup
September 16, 2017
A small, personal gathering of like-minded people getting to know one another.

Inception Day, 2017
June 23, 2017
On this day in 2017, founder Kira Rose planted the seed of what has since become a thriving, supportive, and creative family of eclectic Satanists seeking knowledge and camaraderie among one another.
"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson